react-native-walkthrough-tooltip copied to clipboard
Cannot interact with scrollview inside the tooltip
Has anyone tried to build a complex UI inside the tooltip yet? I have a scrollView inside the tooltip to render some items, but I notice that I cannot interact and scroll it. The solution for this issue is I render a TouchableOpacity element inside a scrollView and wrap it outside the list items, so I can scroll it now. But the remaining issue is I want to set maximumZoomScale={2} to zoom in and out the scrollView content. But it seems like this library is preventing pinch gestures for the scrollView so I cannot interact with it. Does anyone have any solution? Thank you so much.
Has anyone tried to build a complex UI inside the tooltip yet? I have a scrollView inside the tooltip to render some items, but I notice that I cannot interact and scroll it. The solution for this issue is I render a TouchableOpacity element inside a scrollView and wrap it outside the list items, so I can scroll it now. But the remaining issue is I want to set maximumZoomScale={2} to zoom in and out the scrollView content. But it seems like this library is preventing pinch gestures for the scrollView so I cannot interact with it. Does anyone have any solution? Thank you so much.
My scrollview wouldnt work either. Looks like its because the library wraps the content in <TouchableWithoutFeedback>
my solution was to wrap scrollview children inside a <View onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}>
so <ScrollView> <View onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true}> ... scrollable content