react-native-walkthrough-tooltip copied to clipboard
Android tooltip in mapview not showing
I am trying to use tool tip inside a mapview marker with out success. I can see the background changing to a darker tone but with out the message above. (while it is working in ios) (you can see the android on the left side vs the ios on the right)
<MapView customMapStyle={mapStyle} showsCompass={false} showsMyLocationButton={false} //showsUserLocation={true} ref={map} onRegionChange={(region) => setRegion(region)} style={[, { width: '100%', height: '100%' }]} initialRegion={{ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, latitudeDelta: 0.0027, longitudeDelta: 0.002323, }}> {parkings} {allowedPolygons} {restrictedPolygons} {<Marker tracksViewChanges={false} type="parking" key={'parking' + longitude + latitude} onPress={() => { setBla(true) }} coordinate={{ longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude, }} > <Tooltip isVisible={bla} content={<Text>Check this out!</Text>} placement="top" onClose={() => setBla(false)} > <TouchableOpacity style={styles.touchable}> <Text>Press me</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </Tooltip> </Marker>} </MapView>
same here, did you find anything?
I have trouble with tooltips on MapView for iOS too. Is that a known limitation of this package?