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Not able to build atomic image of fedora 24 for PPC64le
I am trying to build my own atomic image of fedora24 for PPC64le platform. I am using script I am getting certificate expired error while creating the image.
Are the same steps can be tried for other hardware(e.g. Power). Is there any ref for general steps which can be applied on all the hardwares.
Saved metadata for image (cab45711-6218-422c-9d26-fb1064aa941d): {'status': 'FAILED', 'identifier': 'cab45711-6218-422c-9d26-fb1064aa941d', 'parameters': {'oz_overrides': '{"libvirt": {"image_type": "qcow2", "cpus": "2", "memory": 2048}}', 'install_script': '#version=DEVEL\n# Keyboard layouts\nkeyboard 'us'\n# Root password\nrootpw --iscrypted --lock locked\n# System language\nlang en_US.UTF-8\nuser --name=none\n# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --disabled\n# OSTree setup\nostreesetup --osname="fedora-atomic" --remote="fedora-atomic" --url="" --ref="fedora-atomic/24/ppc64le/docker-host" --nogpg# Reboot after installation\nreboot\n# System timezone\ntimezone Etc/UTC --isUtc\n# Network information\nnetwork --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate\n# System authorization information\nauth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512\n# Use text mode install\ntext\n# SELinux configuration\nselinux --enforcing\n\n# System services\nservices --disabled="network" --enabled="sshd,rsyslog,cloud-init,cloud-init-local,cloud-config,cloud-final"\n# System bootloader configuration\nbootloader --append="no_timer_check console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8" --location=mbr --timeout=1\n# Clear the Master Boot Record\nzerombr\n# Partition clearing information\nclearpart --all\n# Disk partitioning information\npart /boot --fstype="ext4" --size=300\npart pv.01 --grow\nvolgroup atomicos pv.01\nlogvol / --fstype="xfs" --size=3000 --name=root --vgname=atomicos\n\n%post --erroronfail\n# See\nostree remote delete fedora-atomic\nostree remote add --set=gpg-verify=false fedora-atomic ''\n\n# older versions of livecd-tools do not follow "rootpw --lock" line above\n#\npasswd -l root\n# remove the user anaconda forces us to make\nuserdel -r none\n\n# Configure docker-storage-setup to resize the partition table on boot\n#\necho 'GROWPART=true' > /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup\n\necho -n "Getty fixes"\n# although we want console output going to the serial console, we don't\n# actually have the opportunity to login there. FIX.\n# we don't really need to auto-spawn any gettys.\nsed -i '/^#NAutoVTs=./ a\\nNAutoVTs=0' /etc/systemd/logind.conf\n\necho -n "Network fixes"\n# initscripts don't like this file to be missing.\ncat > /etc/sysconfig/network << EOF\nNETWORKING=yes\nNOZEROCONF=yes\nEOF\n\n# For cloud images, 'eth0' is the predictable device name, since\n# we don't want to be tied to specific virtual (!) hardware\nrm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70\nln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules\n\n# simple eth0 config, again not hard-coded to the build hardware\ncat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 << EOF\nDEVICE="eth0"\nBOOTPROTO="dhcp"\nONBOOT="yes"\nTYPE="Ethernet"\nPERSISTENT_DHCLIENT="yes"\nEOF\n\n# generic localhost names\ncat > /etc/hosts << EOF\n127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4\n::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6\n\nEOF\necho .\n\n\n# Because memory is scarce resource in most cloud/virt environments,\n# and because this impedes forensics, we are differing from the Fedora\n# default of having /tmp on tmpfs.\necho "Disabling tmpfs for /tmp."\nsystemctl mask tmp.mount\n\n# make sure firstboot doesn't start\necho "RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO" > /etc/sysconfig/firstboot\n\n# Uncomment this if you want to use cloud init but suppress the creation\n# of an "ec2-user" account. This will, in the absence of further config,\n# cause the ssh key from a metadata source to be put in the root account.\n#cat <<EOF > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50_suppress_ec2-user_use_root.cfg\n#users: []\n#disable_root: 0\n#EOF\n\necho "Removing random-seed so it's not the same in every image."\nrm -f /var/lib/random-seed\n\necho "Packages within this cloud image:"\necho "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"\nrpm -qa\necho "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"\n# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren't needed/wanted\nrm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*\n\necho "Zeroing out empty space."\n# This forces the filesystem to reclaim space from deleted files\ndd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/zeros || :\nrm -f /var/tmp/zeros\necho "(Don't worry -- that out-of-space error was expected.)"\n\necho "Adding Developer Mode GRUB2 menu item."\n/usr/libexec/atomic-devmode/bootentry add\n\n%end\n', 'generate_icicle': False}, 'icicle': None, 'data': u'/var/lib/imagefactory/storage/cab45711-6218-422c-9d26-fb1064aa941d.body', 'status_detail': {'error': '(60, "Peer's Certificate has expired.")', 'activity': 'Base Image build failed with exception.'}, 'template': "\n