I agree, so we can make a TODO
@leo42 @IvanKodak Here are the things you care about: 1. get MuSig address: you can use p2ms https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/blob/master/test/integration/addresses.spec.ts#L94-L103 2. extract transaction hash for signing: you can use transaction.hashForSignature https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/blob/master/ts_src/transaction.ts#L272 3....
@benjamin-wilson @ljluestc Which scenario requires excluding witness data?
> PRs are open. > > I would like to discuss the method / place where the documentation will live etc. > > 1. Maintainability of the documentation (If we...
> We shouldn't be generating docs for private members and private methods. > > A side bar would probably look better too. > > Afterwards, we can figure out how...
We have completed the documentation, but I'm aiming to enhance the user experience further. For instance, I'd like to integrate run cases directly under each function, allowing developers to test...
> > This necessitates the need to either accommodate the Buffer object or find an alternative solution suitable for browser usage. > > This is something that I've been meaning...
We have export script module What kind of scenario do you encounter?
> Hey, guys! How is it going? Hope you are doing well :) > > I'm making a monitoring server for deposits in different chains and I encountered that in...
I'm sorry that I can't help you. Ask help to @junderw He is experienced and may be able to help you.