jsonapi-converter copied to clipboard
Unable to deserialise links relationship
relationships: {run: {}, contents: {links: {related: "/api/v2/sections/5950/relationships/contents"}}}
contents: {links: {related: "/api/v2/sections/5950/relationships/contents"}}
links: {related: "/api/v2/sections/5950/relationships/contents"}
related: "/api/v2/sections/5950/relationships/contents"
above is my response,related link is not included in the so how to make an api call with the link obtained from related and serialise that response to the object
val contentsRelationshipLinks: Links?= null,
@Relationship("contents",relType = RelType.RELATED)
var contents: ArrayList<LectureContent>? = null
i tried above method but it not working
@aggarwalpulkit596 Can you please provide more details, I'm not sure what you are asking.
I want to hit the endpoint which I get in contentRelationshipLinks and then map that response to contents ArrayList object SerializationFeature.INCLUDE_RELATIONSHIP_ATTRIBUTES) This is not working as this section is not included in the same api call
data class CourseSection(
val name: String,
var status: String,
var order: Int,
var createdAt: String,
var premium: Boolean,
var runId: String,
val contentsRelationshipLinks: Links?= null,
@Relationship("contents",relType = RelType.RELATED)
var contents: ArrayList<LectureContent>? = null
) : BaseModel()
Above is my Section Model and
data class LectureContent(
var section_content: SectionContent? = null,
var code_challenge: ContentCodeChallenge? = null,
var document: ContentDocumentType? = null,
var lecture: ContentLectureType? = null,
var progress: ContentProgress? = null,
var video: ContentVideoType? = null,
var qna: ContentQna? = null,
var csv: ContentCsv? = null) : Contents()
and this is my lecture Content Model
If you want to automatically resolve relationship links, you can do so using the 'RelationshipResolver' mechanism.
Please see: https://github.com/jasminb/jsonapi-converter/blob/develop/src/test/java/com/github/jasminb/jsonapi/ResourceConverterTest.java#testLinkObjectsAndRelType
@jasminb I tried using relationship resolved but that isn't working either
Basically, i want this endpoint to hit https://api-online.cb.lk/api/v2/sections/5950/relationships/contents but this endpoint is never requested
If you register a 'global' resolver, it should work.
Make sure to set resolve
flag to true
@RelationshipLinks("name", resolve = true)
@jasminb you mean
@Relationship("name", resolve = true)
RelationshipLinks do not have a property resolve
@aggarwalpulkit596 yeah, copy-pasta issue...
@jasminb Will try that and let you know if the issue persists
As you can see contents are not mapped it is still null