Jasmin Begic
Jasmin Begic
Hello there @tarek13, do you mind providing more details (full response with obfuscated fields or something)?
@tarek13 This is now supported in #263
Hey there @Michigras, Yes, `name` should be inside `attributes`. You could fork and do some changes to be able to access the attribute, but IMHO the API should be fixed...
Closing as its asking about features not compatible with the spec.
@dulleh Im currently on vacation, will take a look when I get back.
@aggarwalpulkit596 Can you please provide more details, I'm not sure what you are asking.
If you want to automatically resolve relationship links, you can do so using the 'RelationshipResolver' mechanism. Please see: https://github.com/jasminb/jsonapi-converter/blob/develop/src/test/java/com/github/jasminb/jsonapi/ResourceConverterTest.java#testLinkObjectsAndRelType
If you register a 'global' resolver, it should work. Make sure to set `resolve` flag to `true`: ```java @RelationshipLinks("name", resolve = true) ```
@aggarwalpulkit596 yeah, copy-pasta issue...
Hello @ExtinctAmoeba, this can be achieved in following way: Write a `base` class like this (having in mind that attributes are similar in both sub-types, your base class can hold...