Nikolaj Pogněrebko
Nikolaj Pogněrebko
It's not working with RxCollectionViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource :(
Here is my code: ``` enum PurchaseItemSectionItem: Hashable, IdentifiableType { typealias Identity = Int case purchaseProduct(product: PurchasedCommodityEntity) case loader var identity: Int { switch self { case .loader: return "".hashValue...
ID is unique
Can me somebody help?
Hi. I can't reproduce this. It is random crash and I tried fix it many times and I don't know what caused this problem :/
It's big blocker for using fish-redux :/
> The third number is the actual momentary RMS current and in the example is used to demonstrate coolStep functionality where the motor current is automatically adjusted based on the...
I have connected diag from driver to D11 pin on Arduino. Code: ``` #define DIAG_PIN 11 #define STALL_VALUE 15 void setup() { pinMode(DIAG_PIN, INPUT); driver.begin(); driver.toff(4); driver.blank_time(24); driver.rms_current(400); // mA...
Ok. `driver.diag1_pushpull(1);` was missing. But is it possible send me or add to this repo. Some sample how handle diag? Because I often got stall value immediately :( It is...
What about Arduino micro?