As I coordinator, I want to have access to some KPIs to measure success - Count of hosts onboarded - Count of guests onboarded - Application completion rate for both...
Design: - [ ] Coordinator Dashboard #501 Haven't heard back on the notes component - rest has been forwarded for development. - [ ] Guest Application #533 - one of...
As a Coordinator, I want to manage my meeting with Host/guest and want to mark “Under Review” during the assessment process. I want to be able to flag the Guest/Host...
We need to distinguish the wording around 'dashboard' after matching algo outputs the result
> @jasika-ai could we actually create a google doc for this so that we can comment easily before story is finalized? [Guest Matching Algorithm Selection Interface](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RsZgsC8QK6hQklxE-iWWzRlYoPJ0pNhR0S8tZgm2jPg/edit)
As a coordinator, I want to have access to a list of checklist items against each application to ensure smooth tracking of the application. Acceptance criteria - The coordinator can...
@jasmineg95 @sm10949 can check out Guest User Story for reference #533
Could not locate user story for Guest Review Page (which is visible to the Host), @sanya301 could you confirm if it exists?
Need to open this ticket again because the current design does not include 'upload picture' feature. Found notes in Figma that state **"Thanks for your interest SPY’s Host Home program....
Closing this issue as there is a new flow that captures the functionality.