@SybexX Just a quick update on my progress on autofocus: - I have seen 3 variants of OV5640 with AF: waveshare (AF-VDD on pin24), Adafruit (AF-VDD on pin23), AliExpress (AF-VDD...
I'm at office, don't have a picture with me right now, but I've added a diagram in readme to show what I've done. The GND wire just connects to the...
Thanks for the feedback. That's what happens when I don't proofread. :-) Disclaimer: I have never used the MAX9814 amp before, so I suggest you play around with the circuit...
Yes, float is NC. Yes, Vdd ---> mbed codec 3V3 is correct. The MIC BIAS is for driving the mic directly. Here you have the MAX9814 supplying its own mic...
Sorry, I just realized that I've left out the mbed 3V3 and GND connection in the readme. You'll have to connect the 3V3 from Pi to mbed CS **and** 3V3,...
It sounds like your mbed codec chip is not even running. Did you remove the crystal on the mbed codec? If you remove it, you're going to need to feed...
It's odd that you're not getting any signal out of the codec. I don't know what else to try. You're in luck, there's already a [driver](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/sound/soc/codecs/ics43432.c) for the MEMS microphone.
Which mic are you using? Are you using the mic with automatic gain control (MAX9814)? If you are, try limiting the max gain. Also check the actual samples you're recording....