pygtfs copied to clipboard
Load fails on feed dates missing
Failure while writing FeedInfo(feed_publisher_name='Palmbus', feed_publisher_url='', feed_lang='fr', feed_start_date=None, feed_end_date=None, feed_version=None)
feed_info.txt contains indeed no dates.
Oddly enough, without does continue
It would be 'nice' to be able to exclude things. For my solution I do not need shapes.txt and by removing this from the zip, the extract time and sqlite size reduce substially. Only....the auto-removal from zip is not that easy, it requires to unpack/repack the lot so although I have a solution, would still be nice to be able to exclude things :)
That is an interesting feature request. So something like a flag? --ignore_tables=shapes
Something would already be nice... at the moment I repack the gts by excluding feed_info and shapes as they either are erroneous or not providing value (for this ! integration). Repack means: open zip > read file > if OK > add to new zip > repeat till end ... then pygtfs. On a side note, For the netherlands gtfs, this takes hours, would it be an idea to apply conditions afterwards to speed it up?