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A really simple plugin to start CLJS browser REPLs, built atop 'Weasel'

  • 'simple-brepl'

Does what it says on the tin - a really simple way to open up a ClojureScript browser REPL.

'simple-brepl' is built atop Tom Jakubowski's '[[][Weasel]]' library, which uses WebSockets to connect to the browser. WebSockets seem (to me) to be a more logical abstraction to use than long-polling connections, and I've had far fewer reliability issues (dropped connections etc) with Weasel than Austin.

There is a [[][sample project]] in the repo which may be a good starting point - simply clone the repo, =cd sample-project=, =lein dev= and open http://localhost:3000 to try it out.

** Getting set up

Setting this up using 'simple-brepl' is achieved with 5 easy steps (the [[][SPLAT]] template does steps 1-3 for you):

  1. Add 'simple-repl' to your =project.clj= plugins:

    #+BEGIN_SRC clojure ;; CLJS >= 0.0-2665 {:plugins [[jarohen/simple-brepl "0.2.1"]]}

    ;; CLJS < 0.0-2665 {:plugins [[jarohen/simple-brepl "0.1.2"]]} #+END_SRC

    (Optional) You can include a =:brepl= key in your =project.clj= with a map customising the IP and port the bREPL listens on (default ={:ip "" :port 9001}=)

  2. Include a snippet of JS in your web page to connect your browser to the REPL. The =(simple-brepl.service/brepl-js)= function provides the JS - you just have to include it in the =

    = tag, above your compiled CLJS.

    You can do this with Hiccup: #+BEGIN_SRC clojure (:require [simple-brepl.service :refer [brepl-js]]) ... [:script (brepl-js)] #+END_SRC

    (If the bREPL is disabled or disconnected, =brepl-js= is a no-op, so you can leave this in even when the CLJS REPL is disabled - e.g. in production)

  3. Require =simple-brepl.client= somewhere in your CLJS app - I usually put this in the top-level NS:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (ns (:require simple-brepl.client [clojure.string :as s] ...)) #+END_SRC

  1. Connect to your usual Clojure REPL, and run =(simple-brepl)= to turn it into a CLJS REPL. (Type =:cljs/quit= to exit back to the Clojure REPL)

  2. Refresh your browser window to connect it to your REPL.

You should then be able to run commands in the CLJS REPL as you would do with any other Clojure REPL. A good smoke test is any one of the following:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (js/alert "Hello world!") (js/console.log "Hello world!") (set! (.-backgroundColor js/ "green") #+END_SRC

I have also tested this in Emacs - most of the usual nREPL keybindings work fine with CLJS REPLs. The only exception I've found so far (as of 2013-09-14) is =M-period= and =M-comma= - jump to (and back from) a declaration.

** Thanks!

  • Thanks to [[][Tom Jakubowski]] for his excellent [[][Weasel]] CLJS REPL library
  • Thanks to [[][Mike Fikes]] for his bind address suggestion and subsequent PR

** Pull requests/bug reports/feedback etc?

Yes please, much appreciated! Please submit via GitHub in the traditional manner. (Or, if it fits into 140 chars, you can tweet [[][@jarohen]])

** License

Copyright © 2014 James Henderson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.