Results 34 issues of Jarmo Pertman

Starting from today (24.09.21) SSL certificate has been expired when trying to download GoAccess. Clicking on a download link will show that site is "dangerous". Download link here for example...


The following code is not detected by Brakeman as an unscoped find: ``` ruby class WhateverController < ApplicationController def show Foo.includes(:bar).find(params[:id]) end end ``` This, however is catched: ``` ruby...

**Describe the bug** I used pwa-asset-generator with `--index` flag to automatically add all splash image html tags for iOS. It added these tags as expected. However, it also added `html`,...

feature request

I cannot find a way to use `spdycat` with basic authentication, because it does not have curl like option `--user` nor does it support url in format `https://user:password@host`. Is there...

I'm having a html similar to this: ```html ``` After some user interaction I will perform a request to the server which returns new `innerHTML` for `main`. Since most of...

Running `iex -S mix phx.server` fails: ```bash $ iex -S mix phx.server Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.7] [source] [64-bit] [smp:24:24] [ds:24:24:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] ** (SyntaxError) /home/jarmo/.asdf/shims/mix:3:18: syntax error before: '.' (elixir 1.11.2)...


When having a PWA standalone app (display property value is standalone in manifest.json as written in here then this library does not work as expected - since address bar...

# Bug report When calling `destroy` or `destroyAll` then `ptrElement` might become visible for a short period of time when its `styleEl` is messed up (see due to it...

# Bug report Calling `destroyAll` keeps some state even though the word `All` implies that it's clean slate. For example it does not care about `_shared.styleEl` or `_shared` object contents...

I expected a problem where I did configure `Plug.Session` like this: ```elixir plug Plug.Session, store: :redis, key: "_session_key", expiration_in_seconds: 60 ``` This did work as expected - user was logged...