Results 60 comments of Jarmo Pertman

Looking at the code at and reading the name `OmniSharp.Stdio.Driver` imply that it should work over stdin/stdout.

Has anything already been done regarding this? I did upgrade my qBittorrent to 4.2.3 after which I still see all the plugins I had before, but "categories" only list "All...

@ngosang thank you for your thoughts. > The categories are not tested well, just use "all categories". My point was that they were working before and stopped working after upgrading....

I cannot reproduce it either anymore. It was the regular message where certificate is not valid and upon inspection it expired on 24.09.21. Is it possible that this download endpoint...

@domolicious your problem might be related with Let's Encrypt root certificate expiration. Try if this works: ``` $ curl ``` If you see same issue then it is Let's...

Why not create a possibility for piping data into uds so that you could encrypt with any tool, which reads file in and prints encrypted output to stdout? In that...

You could use [childprocess]( instead of `pty` to achieve better cross-platform support.

Maybe @jarib can help you with the problems of ChildProcess. As i've understood then you can do pretty much everything with it and it's cross-platform.

Damn! Native notifications are not used in Windows 10. Is there any alternative solutions for GNotifier?

It's not very convenient, but possible indeed. I knew about that option, but thought that there's a little more user-friendly way to do that. This is how you would do...