react-rxjs-flux icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-rxjs-flux copied to clipboard

a small library for creating applications based on unidirectional data flow


A small library for creating applications based on unidirectional flux like data flow with RxJS. Now with support for RxJS 6.



yarn add react-rxjs-flux


// view.tsx
export type ViewProps = {
  number: number,
  inc: () => void,
  dec: () => void

const View = (props: ViewProps) => (
      <button onClick={}>+</button>
      <button onClick={props.dec}>-</button>

export default View;
// store.ts
import { createStore } from 'react-rxjs';
import { merge, Subject, Observable } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

export const inc$ = new Subject<void>();
export const dec$ = new Subject<void>();

const reducer$: Observable<(state: number) => number> = merge(
    inc$.pipe(map(() => (state: number) => state + 1)),
    dec$.pipe(map(() => (state: number) => state - 1))

const store$ = createStore("example", reducer$, 0);

export default store$;
// container.ts
import { connect } from 'react-rxjs';
import store$, { inc$, dec$ } from './store';
import View, { ViewProps } from './view';

const mapStateToProps = (storeState: number): ViewProps => ({
    number: storeState,
    inc: () => inc$.next(),
    dec: () => dec$.next(),

export default connect(store$, mapStateToProps)(View);
