eloquence-mappable copied to clipboard
Mapping ignored if db connection is not hardcoded as protected $connection = 'string'
I've found out that mapping is not working if database connection is set within models __construct()
method by calling $this->setConnection( config('custom.connection') )
namespace App\Models\ERP;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Sofa\Eloquence\Eloquence;
use Sofa\Eloquence\Mappable;
abstract class AbstractBaseModel extends Model
use Eloquence, Mappable;
public $timestamps = false;
If I hardcode connection name as string like this - everything works well (1st screenshot)
protected $connection = 'ERP_1';
But if it is set within constructor - all mapped keys are returning null. Original keys return correct values though. (2nd screenshot)
(Last element of array: originalModel->getAttributes(), difference is in the case of first letter)
// protected $connection = 'ERP_1';
public function __construct()
$connection = config('erp.connection');
$this->connection = $connection;
return $this;
Tested on:
Laravel 5.8
PHP 7.2.34 (cli)
"sofa/eloquence-mappable": "^7.0"
Sorry if I am missing something. Any help will be much appreciated, this package is really awesome, helps to standardise different ERP db structure queries!