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where subquery bug
- Laravel Version: 7.28.3
- PHP Version: 7.3.14
- Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.7.22
After upgrade from L6 to L7 some queries begun to fail
Steps To Reproduce:
ActionLog:: /*...*/
->where(function ($query) {
->where('action', 'ended')
->orWhere('action', 'failed');
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1096 No tables used (SQL: select exists(select * from `action_logs` where `user_id` = 903db834-1484-4461-abec-23b17645ec2c and `id` > 17 and (select * where `action` = ended or `action` = failed) is null order by `id` desc) as `exists`)
work around:
ActionLog:: /*...*/
->whereRaw("(action = 'ended' OR action = 'failed')")->get();
//-------------- code:
ActionLog:: /*...*/
->where(function ($q) {
->where('description', 'like', '%Wizard ended')
->orWhere('description', 'like', '%Wizard failed');
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1096 No tables used (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `action_logs` where (select * where `description` like %Wizard ended or `description` like %Wizard failed) is null)
work around:
ActionLog:: /*...*/
->whereRaw("(description like '%Wizard ended' OR description like '%Wizard failed')")->get();
Eloquent call without removing any lines.
first one:
ActionLog::where('user_id', $this->userId)
->where('id', '>', $start->id)
->whereRaw("(action = 'ended' OR action = 'failed')")
// TODO: review this after upgrade laravel builder
// ActionLog::->where(function ($query) {
// $query
// ->where('action', 'ended')
// ->orWhere('action', 'failed');
// })
second one:
public function index(IndexRequest $request)
$userId = request('user_id');
$logId = request('log_id');
$log = ActionLog::select(
->when($userId, function ($q, $userId) {
// Wizard logs by users
$q->where('user_id', $userId);
->when($userId && !$logId, function ($q) {
"(description like '%Wizard ended' OR description like '%Wizard failed')"
// TODO: review this after upgrade laravel builder
// $q->where(function ($q) {
// $q
// ->where('description', 'like', '%Wizard ended')
// ->orWhere('description', 'like', '%Wizard failed');
// });
->when($logId, function ($q, $logId) {
$start = ActionLog::select('id')
->where('id', '<=', $logId)
->where('description', 'like', '%Wizard started')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
if ($start) {
// Wizard logs details by users by log id
$q->whereBetween('id', [$start->id, $logId]);
} else {
$q->where('id', $logId);
->orderBy(request('order_by', 'id'), request('order', 'asc'))
->paginate(request('paginate', 15));
return ActionLogResource::collection($log);
NOTE: after removing elquence trait the queries work properly
I got the same problem after upgrading to L7, thanks for the workaround @emiliogrv !
@jarektkaczyk This behaviour is introduced with addition of where subqueries Subquery Where Clauses I don't have much time on my hands at the moment to make a better solution, but I could confirm that this change in https://github.com/jarektkaczyk/hookable/blob/master/src/Builder.php is a quick fix:
if (!in_array(strtolower($operator), $this->operators, true) && !($column instanceof Closure)) {
list($value, $operator) = [$operator, '='];
$bag = $this->packArgs(compact('column', 'operator', 'value', 'boolean'));
return $this->callHook(__FUNCTION__, $bag);
Related to https://github.com/jarektkaczyk/eloquence/issues/261, and pull request https://github.com/jarektkaczyk/hookable/pull/27