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An Arduino Library for the E-paper Teensy Shield

This is a library for the Pervasive Displays Epaper Screen E2215CS062. This library has been written for and fully supports the Teensy-LC and the rest of the Teensy 3.x series and uses their native SPI library. It can also be used with Arduino, ESP8266, and most available microcontrollers, optionally using a slower bitbanged interface.

This code and further updates will be hosted at https://github.com/jareklupinski/epd215-library

These displays use SPI to communicate. For more information on the signaling protocol used, please see the official datasheet for all the details: http://www.pervasivedisplays.com/LiteratureRetrieve.aspx?ID=232068

Written by Jarek Lupinski for Soniktech LLC
Adapted from Adafruit GFX library driver code BSD license, check license.txt for more information All text above must be included in any redistribution

I have just stumbled across the OSHPark shared design for ePaper interface and I have ordered the PCBs.
After assembling the interface I could not get this library example files to work.
After many experiments and probing I realized that the newer board with temperature sensor was designed and the two signals for RES# and BUSY (pins 14 and 15) are swapped between the two designs.
Since the older board is referenced in OSHPark and Hackaday, please note the different pin assignments in the example files like bellow:

// initialize epaper with pin numbers for cs, dc, rs, bs, d0, d1 for software SPI
//EPD215 epaper( 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11 );
// initialize epaper with pin numbers for cs, dc, rs, bs for hardware SPI
//EPD215 epaper( 17, 16, 15, 14 );
// for original interface board design (minus temp sensor) use these settings (pins 14 and 15 swapped):
// initialize epaper with pin numbers for cs, dc, rs, bs, d0, d1 for software SPI
//EPD215 epaper( 17, 16, 14, 15, 13, 11 );
// initialize epaper with pin numbers for cs, dc, rs, bs for hardware SPI
//EPD215 epaper( 17, 16, 14, 15 );

Thank you,
Michal Sokolowski

To download: click the DOWNLOADS button in the top right corner, rename the uncompressed folder EPD215. Check that the EPD215 folder contains EPD215.cpp and EPD215.h

Place the EPD215 library folder in your /libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE.

You will also have to download the Adafruit GFX Graphics core which does all the circles, text, rectangles, etc. You can get it from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library and download / install that library as well