Jarek Foksa
Jarek Foksa
This widget should be build on top of [ProseMirror](https://prosemirror.net). There should be no menus or toolbars provided out of the box, but the demo site should show how to compose...
This widget should use CodeMirror under the hood. There should be no hard-coded menus or toolbars, instead the demo site should provide several examples how to implement those.
This widget should use CodeMirror under the hood. There should be no hard-coded menus or toolbars, instead the demo site should provide several examples how to implement those.
Should rely on CSS "display: table" and ["position: sticky"](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/12/position-sticky). Inspirations - http://cx.codaxy.com/v/master/docs/widgets/grids - http://metroui.org.ua/datatables.html
Currently the custom `userclose` event has different timing than the standard `close` event. I would expect them to be fired simultanously when the "open" attribute is added or removed. Also...
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/11/overscroll-behavior
``, `` and `` widgets should be migrated to the new CSS Anchor Positioning API. Currently this API is available only in Chrome Canary, so this task should be delayed...
``, `` and `` widgets should be migrated to the new Popover API. Currently this API is available only in Chromium >= 114 and Safari 17 (Developer Preview), so I...
This way the parser could be used to validate properties and attributes, e.g.: ``` let isValidStyleAttributeValue = (value) => { try { CSSParser.parseAListOfDeclarations(value.trim()); } catch (error) { return false; }...
When the package name is `123JohnDoe.App` then `electron-windows-store` generates `AppXManifest.xml` file that contains the following invalid line: ```xml ``` The error thrown: ``` MakeAppx : error: Error info: error C00CE169:...