Cyanea copied to clipboard
Color applied incorrectly
While implementing and testing around, I found out that sometimes colors are applied incorrectly and it required clear app data to reset it. Sometimes force stop app will help, sometimes it require clear app data.
Noticed that the color accent applied to TextView/CardView/ActionBar title where it shouldn't.
Tested on: normal device and emulator, android 9.0 and 8.0 with v1.0.1 library
Comparing the "normal" pref xml (com.jaredrummler.cyanea) and "incorrect" xml, found out accent_light
and accent_dark
values is different.
Not sure is related to pref commit is having race condition or the activity recreated and wrong color applied.
I decided to test on the demo app that downloaded directly from here, which also the same results.
Video: or
I was able to reproduce. I think this has to do with the accent color being the same as the primary text color. Will do more investigating and fix this when I have time later this week.
Is it related to the if-else detecting for the dark color giving the problem?
Unfortunately I have been extremely busy with work. Will work on this soon, most likely after CES.
I was able to reproduce this issue. As a workaround I removed cyanea_primary_reference from my colors.xml
@jaredrummler it will be great if you can tag current changes to new version (1.0.2) and release it.
Any updates on this?
Having the same issue, the workarround provided by @stavangr doesnt seem to work for me.
I meeting the same problem,so i want to know the error solve.But now i see the issue still is open ,the dev still not fix?