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VsVim conflict issues

Open atiqorin opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

When I search for some characters that modify the code under caret, it messes up. For example if I have caret under 'C' in Console.log("something"); when I search for 's' it deletes 'C' and the line becomes onsole.log("something");

Not only this, it also insert the found char in place of the found place. So for the previous search if the 's' in the "something" is highlighted with e.g. "A" then the result for finding and going to s from the "C" will be:

form Console.log("something"); to onsole.log( "Asomething");

I use VsVim in Visual Studio professional 2015 on a Windows 10 PC.

atiqorin avatar Jun 23 '17 15:06 atiqorin

Somewhat ironic how a Vim plugin conflicts with Vim emulation in Visual Studio.

TheLouisHong avatar Nov 10 '17 09:11 TheLouisHong

I have found workaround. AceJump works with VsVim and provides the same functionality.

megafanat avatar Apr 12 '18 12:04 megafanat