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Make compatible with VsVim, user can search for segments longer than one char, smartcase search.

Open DomasM opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

Fixes https://github.com/jaredpar/VsVim/issues/1839 and #3 using System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send ("{ESC}") which of course nobody gonna like, but as those issues where left unfixed for long time it seems reasonable hack.

User can search for segments longer than one char. Use smartcase for searching.

Sorry for code reformatting.

DomasM avatar May 29 '17 18:05 DomasM

does this still work with the lateset versions of VsVim and visual studio for you? I was using the work around but pressing Esc, but since I updated vsvim, easymotion no longer sees the character typed into command mode.

keithn avatar Dec 19 '17 01:12 keithn

Using VsVim 2.4.1 and VS 15.4.5 now, works fine. Will update VS this week and see what happens.

DomasM avatar Dec 20 '17 09:12 DomasM

I just tried latest vs 15.5.2 with latest vsvim and vs easymotion 1.0,2. Still not working.

Repro: open a code which has #include "stdio.h" use ctrl-shift-; and i to look for "i".

Observed: vsvim goes into insert mode.

Expected: vsvim is still in normal mode.

Any suggestion?

kgfly avatar Jan 03 '18 18:01 kgfly