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Build forms in React, without the tears 😭

Results 243 formik issues
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## Feature request ### Current Behavior Currently there is no clean way to check if an input has been modified from it's initial value. Touched does not accomplish this, however...

Type: Feature Request

## Bug report ### Current Behavior if you have a formik form on the same page as the destination for the rendered results, and you click enter, it allows you...

Type: Bug

## Feature request Material UI dialogs are handled differently from regular forms in that they need unusual wrapping with Dialog tags buttons. I've found two much different examples of how...

Type: Feature Request

## 🐛 Bug report ### Current Behavior ![image]( My initial values is a property called targets which contains an array of UITargetPositions. ![image]( Calling setFieldValue or setFieldTouched results in a...


Hi. If a field change then all fields and component use useFormikCotext rerenders. It see to example It is not really good. After my change: I wanted do...

## 🐛 Bug report ### Current Behavior isValid is true once the form mounts, even though the validationSchema invalidates initialValues and the form is untouched. ### Expected behavior isValid prop...

## Feature request ### Current Behavior Currently there is not way to detect changes globally on a Form. The only way to detect changes is to add a callback on...

Type: Feature Request

## 🐛 Bug report ### Current Behavior right now if `validationSchema` prop changed form wouldn't revalidate ### Expected behavior form should run validation on every `validationSchema` prop change ### Your...

Type: Enhancement
Focus: Validation

This PR implements fix depends on #3590, part of the solution was taken from the suggestion of @jeran-urban.

I have not seen any new releases for one year. The blog post anouncing the next version formik 3 alpha is about two years old. No update since then. So...

Type: Bug