dotfiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles copied to clipboard

My setup


My dotfiles.


cd ~
git clone && cd dotfiles && ./

To update later on, after you push to github, just run the ./ script again.

Note: .extra file is not committed for security

Bash Prompt

My bash prompt configuration is in .bash_prompt. It shows the current directory and branch name, and looks like this:

screenshot 2018-12-28 15 47 58


Most of this is ripped from the following other dotfiles:


Brew Stuff

# Essentials
brew install git

# DB
brew install mongodb
brew install mysql
brew install neo4j
brew install postgresql
brew install rabbitmq
brew install redis
brew install sqlite

brew install jenv
brew install maven
brew install gradle
brew install ktlint

# Fish/CLI
brew install jq
brew install z
brew install fish
brew install fzf
brew install grc

brew install composer
brew install [email protected]

# Ops
brew install awscli
brew install heroku
brew install ansible

# misc
brew install imagemagick
brew install optipng