jared jennings

Results 75 comments of jared jennings

Here is some Guile Scheme code, which contains the numbers from the patent, transcribed and corrected. When run, it puts out an .scad file that shows the coordinates. If you...

This is a great idea. It requires flexible printed circuits (FPC), or [wiggles and weaves](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/i83bw5/wiring_ideas_for_the_dactyl_wiggles_and_weaves/), owing to the 3D nature of this keyboard. It's not a high priority for me,...

Maybe it only requires [0.6mm PCBs](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/ijwoe9/made_a_flexible_pcb_for_dactyl_dactyl_manuform/)? - This implementation of PCBs is not parameterized, and the keyboard was remodelled in Fusion 360, with the key positions fixed. So automatic PCB...

Well, that paper mockup ticket is now #61.

More on that one with the 0.6mm PCB, the [Bastyl](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/inozxt/bastyl_with_flexible_pcb_mcu_holder_flush_usb_port/)

If the code to generate the PCB were written, adding the two extra layers would be a small extra effort. But I don't think it's necessary: the original Dactyl, and...

The [Bastyl](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/jdyc1q/bastyl_ergonomical_split_keyboard_3d_printed_case/) folks have managed this without wiggles and weaves, and without FPCs. (Good discussion about those in the comments, particularly cost/build-complexity tradeoffs.)

[Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/jd2t6z/prototype_dactylmanuform_pcb/) about commercial use. It seems that the friend commercializing flexing FR4 PCBs for ergonomic keyboards on [cy384's blog](http://www.cy384.com/blog/flex-pcbs.html) ("wiggles and weaves" above) may have been u/smyjpmu at hidtech.ca? This...

More about HIDTech, Bastyl, u/smyjpmu (Anthony), and u/fmcraft (Quentin): https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/ld97a3/psa_anthony_usmyjpmu_is_a_con_artist_who_scammed/

I haven't done anything on the topic. Quentin's got PC boards at https://bastardkb.com, but they won't fit this keyboard with all of my layout tweaks. Thanks to a working prototype...