Jared Gholston
Jared Gholston
Awesome thanks @larsiusprime I will try it out tomorrow. Many thanks.
The trace functionality is working as expected. Thank you!
@hopewise I am able to see the stack trace in logcat as well as the txt file generated by crashdumper. I would be more than happy to test a simple...
@hopewise sorry I was confused I thought you had a simple project you wanted me to test. It will take me a bit of time to get a sample project...
I'm still trying to find the crash dump file on the android file sys. But I know in order to browse the android file system on a non-rooted phone you...
I triggered a crash on android and can't seem to locate the crash dump file. I'm looking in here: /data/data/com.my.package/ I see the following folders: cache files lib I'm using...
Found it! I was confused by a folder named 'null' Here is the full path: /data/data/com.my.package/files/null/log/errors trace SystemPath.applicationStorageDirectory: /data/data/com.my.package/files/ I will investigate further where null is coming from. Thank you...
yep. you're probably right I just need to track down what I'm not setting properly. It's tricky to get the crash dump files off of the device. Still trying to...
There are multiple ways of pulling data from a device using adb backup etc. The following is what worked for me. It requires your android build to be debuggable. ```...
@jersonlatorre we forked this so that it will work with openfl 4.0.0 it uses tilemap instead of tilesheet https://github.com/flowplay/BitmapFont