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training-set options doesn't work
In synaptic/datasets.clj there is miisteke with options pass:
(defn training-set
"Create a training set from samples and associated labels.
The training set consists of one or more batches and optionally a validation set.
It also has a map that will allow converting y's back to the original labels.
:name - a name for the training set
:type - the type of training data (e.g. :binary-image, :grayscale-image ...)
:fieldsize - [width height] of each sample data (for images)
:nvalid - size of the validation set (default is 0, i.e. no validation set)
:batch - size of a mini-batch (default is the number of samples, after
having set apart the validation set)
:online true - set this flag for online training (same as batch size = 1)
:rand false - unset this flag to keep original ordering (by default, samples
will be shuffled before partitioning)."
[samples labels & [options]]
{:pre [(= (count samples) (count labels))]}
(let [batchsize (if (:online options) 1 (:batch options))
trainsize (if (:nvalid options) (- (count samples) (:nvalid options)))
randomize (if (nil? (:rand options)) true (:rand options))
[binlb uniquelb] (u/tobinary labels)
[smp lb] (if randomize (shuffle-vecs samples binlb) [samples binlb])
[trainsmp validsmp] (if trainsize (split-at trainsize smp) [smp nil])
[trainlb validlb] (if trainsize (split-at trainsize lb) [lb nil])
[batchsmp batchlb] (partition-vecs batchsize trainsmp trainlb)
trainsets (mapv dataset batchsmp batchlb)
validset (if trainsize (dataset validsmp validlb))
timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
header {:name (or (:name options) timestamp)
:timestamp timestamp
:type (:type options)
:fieldsize (or (:fieldsize options)
(u/divisors (count (first samples))))
:batches (mapv (partial count-labels uniquelb) batchlb)
:valid (count-labels uniquelb validlb)
:labels uniquelb}]
(TrainingSet. header trainsets validset)))
Arguments for this function are [samples labels & [options]]
but must be [samples labels & options]
and in the first let as first assignment you must add options (apply hash-map options)
, so options in function will work. But now instead options you taking only first keyword
Here is code updated by me:
(defn training-set
"Create a training set from samples and associated labels.
The training set consists of one or more batches and optionally a validation set.
It also has a map that will allow converting y's back to the original labels.
:name - a name for the training set
:type - the type of training data (e.g. :binary-image, :grayscale-image ...)
:fieldsize - [width height] of each sample data (for images)
:nvalid - size of the validation set (default is 0, i.e. no validation set)
:batch - size of a mini-batch (default is the number of samples, after
having set apart the validation set)
:online true - set this flag for online training (same as batch size = 1)
:rand false - unset this flag to keep original ordering (by default, samples
will be shuffled before partitioning)."
[samples labels & options]
{:pre [(= (count samples) (count labels))]}
(let [options (apply hash-map options)
batchsize (if (:online options) 1 (:batch options))
trainsize (if (:nvalid options) (- (count samples) (:nvalid options)))
randomize (if (nil? (:rand options)) true (:rand options))
[binlb uniquelb] (u/tobinary labels)
[smp lb] (if randomize (shuffle-vecs samples binlb) [samples binlb])
[trainsmp validsmp] (if trainsize (split-at trainsize smp) [smp nil])
[trainlb validlb] (if trainsize (split-at trainsize lb) [lb nil])
[batchsmp batchlb] (partition-vecs batchsize trainsmp trainlb)
trainsets (mapv dataset batchsmp batchlb)
validset (if trainsize (dataset validsmp validlb))
timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
header {:name (or (:name options) timestamp)
:timestamp timestamp
:type (:type options)
:fieldsize (or (:fieldsize options)
(u/divisors (count (first samples))))
:batches (mapv (partial count-labels uniquelb) batchlb)
:valid (count-labels uniquelb validlb)
:labels uniquelb}]
(TrainingSet. header trainsets validset)))
Also this bug appears in all functions taking arguments as keyword value pairs