2day icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
2day copied to clipboard

2Day is a Windows 10 to-do lists application. This project is no longer actively maintained.

Results 8 2day issues
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Hey there, This project is no longer actively maintained. You're happy to fork the code and make changes or just use it as learning purpose. I'm happy to answer questions...

If you create a task with low (0) priority on Toodledo and star it, 2Day syncs it as a low priority one (1 bar). However, if you raise its priority...

Background: With some kind of your "own" server, something simple like a NAS or Raspberry, it is pretty easy to host your own Calendar Server. For example with the build-in...

The notes section syncs with Exchange but doesn't convert HTML to a link. This means that hyperlinks come across as text. The underlying HTML is brought over but not recognized...

The Task Frequency Picker displays the last entered value for the "Every..." option instead of the saved value on edit. To reproduce this issue: Enter a task with a frequency...

The UWP app as now 10240 as min version and 10586 as target version. We should upgrade that so much newer version. The min version could be Creators Update (15063)...

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good first issue

Non-UWP projects are currently using PCL. It should be fairly easy to move to .Net Standard instead.

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good first issue

> Since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Build 14393), SQLite has also shipped as part of the Windows SDK. This means that when you are building your Universal Windows Platform...

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good first issue