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Failed to get bitcode from object file for LTO

Open jiayihu opened this issue 3 years ago • 8 comments

When trying to use the tool I get the following error:

cargo +nightly call-stack --bin fedra --verbose

"cargo" "rustc" "--bin" "fedra" "--release" "--" "--emit=llvm-ir,obj" "-C" "embed-bitcode=yes" "-C" "lto=fat" "-Z" "emit-stack-sizes"
   Compiling fedra v0.1.0 (/Users/jiayihu/Desktop/Repo/fedra-clone)
error: failed to get bitcode from object file for LTO (Bitcode section not found in object file)
rustc --version
rustc 1.50.0-nightly (593fe977a 2020-11-20)

Same error even with the previous nightly rustc 1.49.0-nightly (b1496c6e6 2020-10-18)

jiayihu avatar Nov 21 '20 17:11 jiayihu

Ironically if I try RUSTFLAGS="-C embed-bitcode" as said in #25 , it gives a different error:

error: BUG: failed to parse .ll file; please submit a bug report with Rust source code. Details (include the _first_ LLVM item, e.g. `define .. { .. }`, in the report):
Failure(("%0 = type { [0 x i32], { {}*, [3 x i32]* }, [0 x i32], i8*, [0 x i32] }\n%1 = type { [0 x i32], %2, [0 x i32], i8*, [0 x i8], i8, [3 x i8] }\n%2 = type { [0 x i32], %\"rtt_target::rtt::RttChannel\"*, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i8], i8, [3 x i8] }\n%3 = type { [0 x i32], %\"alloc::string::String\", [0 x i32] }\n%4 = type { [0 x i32], %\"core::fmt::Formatter\"*, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i8], i8, [0 x i8], i8, [2 x i8] }\n%5 = type { [0 x i32], %\"core::fmt::Formatter\"*, [0 x i8], i8, [0 x i8], i8, [2 x i8] }\n%6 = type { [0 x i8], i8, [11 x i8] }\n%7 = type { [0 x i32], %8, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i32] }\n%8 = type { [0 x i32], %9, [0 x i32], %9, [0 x i32] }\n%9 = type { [1 x i32], {}*, [1 x i32] }\n%10 = type { [0 x i8], {}, [0 x i8], i32*, [0 x i32], i32*, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i32] }\n%11 = type { [0 x i32], %\"smoltcp::wire::Icmpv4Repr\", [0 x i32] }\n%12 = type { [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i32], i32, [0 x i32], %13, [0 x i32] }\n%13 = type { [0 x i32], %\"parity_wasm::el

jiayihu avatar Nov 21 '20 20:11 jiayihu

Any update on fixing this issue?

CedMaire avatar Feb 19 '21 16:02 CedMaire

I got the same issue. May I know the progress of this issue ? I got exactly the same issue with @jiayihu. Hi @jiayihu do you get the solution ?

ysun avatar Apr 05 '21 12:04 ysun

Sorry @ysun, no luck

jiayihu avatar Apr 05 '21 12:04 jiayihu

@jiayihu Then did you get any other solution to get rust call-graph ?

ysun avatar Apr 06 '21 01:04 ysun

We have also observed this error:

BUG: failed to parse .ll file: Failure(("define internal fastcc void @_Z....

The following is a MRE.

Run this command:

RUSTFLAGS = "-C embed-bitcode" cargo +nightly call-stack --example rme >

With this code as examples/

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Uniform};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::{sleep, Instant};

lazy_static! { static ref START_TIME: Instant = Instant::now(); }

async fn main() {
    let page = get_page(42).await;
    println!("Page #42: {:?}", page);

async fn get_page(i: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
    let millis = Uniform::from(5_000..6_000).sample(&mut rand::thread_rng());
    println!( "[{}] # get_page({}) will complete in {} ms on {:?}",

    println!("[{}] # get_page({}) completed",
    (10 * i..10 * (i + 1)).collect()

taqtiqa-mark avatar Aug 19 '21 06:08 taqtiqa-mark

Observing the same on the "hello world" created via cargo new.

cargo +nightly call-stack --bin hello --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu >
  1. Exporting RUSTFLAGS="-C embed-bitcode" results in:

    error: failed to parse application's LLVM IR from `/tst/helloworld/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/deps/hello-f16df3c84b67da29.ll`: BUG: failed to parse LLVM IR; please submit a cargo-call-stack bug report and attach the `.ll` file: Failure("Eof in line 970")

    .ll file is attached to this message:

  2. Using LTO leads to the same problem.

  3. Not using either yields the error:

    error: failed to get bitcode from object file for LTO (Bitcode section not found in object file)

@jiayihu , looks suspiciously similar to what @taqtiqa-mark is experiencing in

savchenko avatar Nov 20 '21 08:11 savchenko

This issue seems to only affect Cargo project using the default release profile. To get pass the "Bitcode section not found in object file" error enable fat LTO in Cargo.toml -- this is a workaround

lto = 'fat'

A fix may be adding -C embed-bitcode=yes to each rustc invocation; either that or remove the -C embed-bitcode=no that gets passed to rustc by default (when lto = 'thin').

after enabling fat LTO I get a LLVM IR parser error when running cargo-call-stack on a "Hello, world" project but that's a separate issue from this.

japaric avatar Jun 15 '22 14:06 japaric