runner copied to clipboard
Standalone test runner built on top of japa core
## Description As of now we have only terminal reporting. It will be good if we implement HTML test report. ## Package version 2.0.8
### Package version 2.2.1 ### Describe the bug When trying to upload a file that doesn't exist, the test runner hangs and never prints a summary or exits the process....
Linked to #23 ## Refactor - Moved what is related to CLI parsing into its own file - Moved what is related to configuration and configuration normalization to its own...
So let's imagine that the user defines several reporters : ```ts configure({ reporters: [specReporter(), dotReporter()] }) ``` In this case, we would like to have the output of a single...
I am collecting links to articles, packages, videos, etc. related to Japa. If you have created anything for Japa, then comment on this issue. I will occasionally pick links from...
### Package version N/A ### Describe the bug This isn't a bug with `japa` itself, but rather the repository issue configuration. **Steps to reproduce:**: - visit - click `New...
### Package version 3.1.4 ### Describe the bug I have recently migrated a fairly popular project from `tap` to `japa`, and while the tests pass locally, they fail on CI...
Error: Cannot import japa test file directly. It must be imported by calling the "" method
I use `test` method in a module (called `trade.js`) that is included in the main test code (that is `functional.spec.js` and is in `tests\functional` folder of Japa project's directory). That's...
When I tried to run the test with toHaveBeenCalled, I got an error saying that the argument must be a mock or a spy. How can I create a spy...
I think this is useful when we want to send xml for example. I have to integrate an app with old applications and need tests on that endpoint. It could...