Jorge Ouahbi
Jorge Ouahbi
Sorry for delay, i was very busy. I can't understand the conflicts.
You can render the image in the frame of the item but you must modify the library. ``` static void renderPageWithImageInfo(NSUInteger page, CGContextRef ctx,CGPDFDocumentRef doc,PDFFormContainer *forms, NSArray * imageInfo) {...
Create a hidden textfield and use its frame. This solution works but you must generate the image from you own signature view.
do not work? NSArray \* signatures = [_pdfDocument.forms formsWithType:PDFFormTypeSignature]; CGRect frame = [signatures firstObject].frame
do not allow Adobe Acrobat X modify the document?
ok :) sorry. Mi solution its dirty but in my case solved my problems. We are using a for sign the document, then we are copy the image generated...
``` @interface MSImageInfo : NSObject @property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect frame; @property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger page; @property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage* image; @end -(void) addImageInfo:(UIImage * ) image withRect:(CGRect) rect withPage:(NSUInteger) page...
Open the .pdf in Adobe Acrobat. Tools->Edit and then select the checkbox, go to the page Options and set you "true" value in the Export Value. For example YES, Yes...
The problems is in allEntities(codeString) The regex /(?(class|struct|protocol|enum))\s+(?!(var|open|public|internal|fileprivate|private|func))(?\w+)(?()?)(?([^{]*)?)(?{(?>[^{}]|\g)*})/ return a empty inheritancePart