react-native-bluetooth-escpos-printer copied to clipboard
Print euro sign on Android
On iOS, I can print the euro sign without any problems.
On Android, it prints Ç instead of €.
How to fix this?
I'm unable to print € symbol on android, instead it prints a chinese text. I'm using the BluetoothEscposPrinter.printText('€') function and using encoding as UTF-8 and codepage of 0. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong or can do to rectify the issue?
@christianrank I got it to work. I was using the UTF-8 encoding with codepage 0 and the (english) text was coming out fine, save for symbols like • and €. All that you need to do is change encoding to Cp1252 and code page to 32. Cheers! ;-)
check the pic to get a clearer idea:
Hello, For the euro sign the configuration is this:
encoding:' Cp858',
codepage: 13
for the French language
@christianrank I got it to work. I was using the UTF-8 encoding with codepage 0 and the (english) text was coming out fine, save for symbols like • and €. All that you need to do is change encoding to Cp1252 and code page to 32. Cheers! ;-)
check the pic to get a clearer idea:
How to find those specific codepage numbers? I am trying to use UTF-8 but it gives me some Chinese characters. I need to know what is the codepage for the UTF-8 encoding.