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A set of extended types for ServerSpec 2.x


Build Status Code Coverage Code Climate Gem Version Total Downloads Github Issues Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

serverspec-extended-types provides some purpose-specific types to be used with serverspec 2.x for testing various things on a host, as well as some types for high-level integration tests that make actual requests against services on the host.

Current types include:

  • A virtualenv type to make expectations about a Python Virtualenv, its pip and python versions, and packages installed in it. This also works for system-wide Python if pip is installed.
  • A http_get type to perform an HTTP GET request (specifying a port number, the Host: header to set, and the path to request) and make expectations about whether the request times out, its status code, headers, response body, and JSON content (if the response body is parsable as JSON).
  • A bitlbee type to actually connect via IRC to a running bitlbee IRC gateway and authenticate to it, and make expectations that the connection and authentication worked, and what version of Bitlbee is running.

This is in no way associated with or endorsed by the SeverSpec project or its developers. (When I proposed that they include a HTTP request type, I was told that was "using [serverspec] wrong", and the GitHub issue was deleted). I imagine that, at the least, they'd tell me that (1) these should be in SpecInfra, and (2) these aren't "proper" things for ServerSpec to test. That being said, these are useful to me, for my purposes. I hope they're also useful to someone else.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'serverspec-extended-types'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install serverspec-extended-types



In your spec_helper, add a line like:

require 'serverspec_extended_types'

Then use the various types that this gem provides:



The bitlbee type allows testing connectivity to a bitlbee IRC gateway server.

describe bitlbee(port, nick, password, use_ssl=false) do
  # matchers here

All server communication happens during instantiation of the type; when describe bitlbee() is executed, the type will attempt to connect to the server (with a timeout of 10 seconds) and authenticate as the specified user, and store a number of state variables for later use by the various matchers.

This type supports SSL, but connects to the server without verifying certificates.


  • port - integer port number to connect to
  • nick - nick/username to login as
  • password - the password for nick
  • use_ssl - Boolean, whether or not to use SSL; defaults to false



True if the test was able to successfully connect and authenticate, false otherwise.

describe bitlbee(port, nick, password) do
  it { should be_connectable }

True if the connection is aborted by a timeout, false otherwise.

describe bitlbee(port, nick, password) do
  it { should_not be_timed_out }

Returns the Bitlbee version String.

describe bitlbee(port, nick, password) do
  its(:version) { should match /3\.\d+\.\d+ Linux/ }


The http_get type performs an HTTP GET from the local (rspec runner) system, against the IP address that serverspec is running against (ENV[TARGET_HOST]), with a specified Host header value. The request is wrapped in a configurable-length timeout.

describe http_get(port, host_header, path, timeout_sec=10, protocol='http', bypass_ssl_verify=false)
  # matchers here

All server communication happens during instantiation of the type; when describe http_get() is executed, the type will attempt to issue the GET request with a default timeout of 10 seconds, and store a number of state variables for later use by the various matchers.


  • port - the port to make the HTTP request to
  • host_header - the Host header value to provide in the request
  • path - the path to request from the server
  • timeout_sec - timeout in seconds before canceling the request (Int; default 10)
  • protocol - protocol to be used (default to http, can be http)
  • bypass_ssl_verify - bypass SSL verification (default to false to keep good security. Set it to true for self-signed certificates only!)



Returns the String body content of the HTTP response.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  its(:body) { should match /<html>/ }

Returns the HTTP response headers as a hash.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  its(:headers) { should include('HeaderName' => /value regex/) }

If the response body is deserializable as JSON, contains the JSON hash, otherwise an empty hash.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  its(:json) { should include('Key' => /value regex/) }

Returns the HTTP status code, or 0 if timed out.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  its(:status) { should eq 200 }

True if the request timed out, false otherwise.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  it { should_not be_timed_out }

True if the request was redirected, false otherwise.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  it { should be_redirected }

True if the request was redirected to the specified location, false otherwise.

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  it { should be_redirected_to 'https://myhostname/newpath' }

describe http_get(80, 'myhostname', '/') do
  it { should be_redirected_to 'http://mynewhost/' }


The virtualenv type has various matchers for testing the state and content of a Python virtualenv. It executes commands via the builtin serverspec/specinfra command execution (i.e. uses the same backend code that the built-in command and file types use).

describe virtualenv('/path/to/venv') do
  # matchers here

Unlike the http_get and bitlbee types, execution of the virtualenv type commands is triggered by the matchers rather than the describe clause.


  • name - the absolute path to the root of the virtualenv on the filesystem



Return a hash of all packages present in pip freeze output for the venv

Note that any editable packages (-e something) are returned as hash keys with an empty value.

describe virtualenv('/path/to/venv') do
  its(:pip_freeze) { should include('wsgiref' => '0.1.2') }
  its(:pip_freeze) { should include('requests') }
  its(:pip_freeze) { should include('pytest' => /^2\.6/) }
  its(:pip_freeze) { should include('-e [email protected]:jantman/someproject.git@1d8a380e3af9d081081d7ef685979200a7db4130#egg=someproject') }

Return the version of pip installed in the virtualenv

describe virtualenv('/path/to/venv') do
  its(:pip_version) { should match /^6\.0\.6$/ }

Return the version of python installed in the virtualenv

describe virtualenv('/path/to/venv') do
  its(:python_version) { should match /^2\.7\.9$/ }

Test whether this appears to be a working venv

describe virtualenv('/path/to/venv') do
  it { should be_virtualenv }

Tests performed:

  • venv_path/bin/pip executable by owner?
  • venv_path/bin/python executable by owner?
  • venv_path/bin/activate readable by owner?
  • 'export VIRTUAL_ENV' in venv_path/bin/activate?


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Spec tests are done automatically via Travis CI. They're run using Bundler and rspec.

For manual testing:

bundle install
bundle exec rake test


  1. Ensure all tests are passing, coverage is acceptable, etc.
  2. Increment the version number in lib/serverspec_extended_types/version.rb
  3. Update
  4. Push those changes to origin.
  5. bundle exec rake build
  6. bundle exec rake release