powerfetch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
powerfetch copied to clipboard

PowerShell-based cross-platform 'screenfetch'-like tool


PowerShell-based cross-platform 'screenfetch'-like tool

Alt text

Try it out!

To try powerfetch anywhere and without downloading, you can run:

iex (new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jantari/powerfetch/master/powerfetch.ps1')

This will run the script directly from this GitHub.


  1. This script requires at least Windows 10 v1703 to display correctly
  2. The macOS and Linux compatibility is definitely very much still work in progress
  3. Requires PowerShell
  4. The windows-flag ASCII artwork used in this script is based on nijikokun's in WinScreeny that I used with explicit permission