Jan Strauss
Jan Strauss
Hi @JakeConway, Thanks for your efforts to develop UpSetR! I am currently trying to polish off a figure for a publication and I would like to add additional tick marks...
Hi @drostlab, I'm trying to set up `orthologr` for detection of orthologs in multiple species. I've installed `orthofinder` into my PATH using `conda install orthofinder`. Calling `orthofinder -h` from `terminal`...
Hi @HajkD , I'm using the `orthologs` function with `ortho_detection = "RBH"` to detect orthologs for a `query_file` containing 8 protein fasta sequences in multiple `subject_files`. For easier downstream data...
Dear @kassambara, I very much like `factoextra` and I'm happy that it has recently been featured in the **Ten quick tips for effective dimensionality reduction** at [PLoS Computation Biology](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006907). Hope...
Hi @brennanpincardiff, I'm trying to plot a figure similar to Fig. 1A at [https://academic.oup.com/view-large/figure/77823485/molbiolevolmss081f01_3c.jpeg](https://academic.oup.com/view-large/figure/77823485/molbiolevolmss081f01_3c.jpeg). How can I plot the chain labels on the top left of for each chain? Maybe...
Hi @brennanpincardiff, By default drawProteins appears to use some sort of rainbow colour scheme which become hard to read when there are more than 5 feature types/categories displayed in the...
Hi @brennanpincardiff, very useful package! I have a similar issue as described at [https://github.com/brennanpincardiff/drawProteins/issues/13#issuecomment-444105210](https://github.com/brennanpincardiff/drawProteins/issues/13#issuecomment-444105210) trying to find the best solution to plot types currently not supported by any of the...
Hi @jaswindersingh2, I'd like to try `SPOT-RNA2` for the prediction of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rRNA sequences on my local machine. I know that you provide a Docker Image...
Hi there, I'm trying to visualize a tree with multiple selected clades being scaled (condensed) and collapsed to save space for a publication figure. I've seen the issue also reported...
Hi there, I apologize in advance for my newbie question but I am currently stuck in some ID mapping issues. I am trying to retrieve the external database IDs for...