
Results 47 comments of Jan

Siri notifies about new messages/email what so ever using a special command called SetAlertContext

I nevertheless would suggest to just move to SiriServerCore, there are a lot of fixes and enhancements over SiriServer

Awesome! Timestamps: Just the file naming! In my mental model the flowrecord times come from the exporters? But regardless, I agree the timestamp/zones thing is debatable and not a real...

Oh you are right, I did not think of daylight savings... Don't add that option then 👍 This just came to me because when I switched from nfcapd to ipfixcol2+infstore,...

Python is very similar to ruby, there should be no problem if you know ruby to write the same in python

Just wanted to encourage to make this a hard failure instead of a warning. After https://github.com/kornelski/cargo-deb/pull/11 was merged and our tooling picked those changes up (which seems to have taken...

I tried to hack something together over the weekend that uses boring as the crypto provider: https://github.com/janrueth/boring-rustls-provider