saga-toolkit copied to clipboard
An extension for redux-toolkit that allows sagas to resolve async thunk actions.
Saga Toolkit
An extension for redux-toolkit that allows sagas to resolve async thunk actions. 🌝
npm i saga-toolkit
example - takeEveryAsync
With takeEveryAsync
each saga action dispatched runs their saga.
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { createSagaAction } from 'saga-toolkit'
const name = 'example'
const initialState = {
started: false,
result: null,
loading: false,
error: null,
export const appStart = createSagaAction(`${name}/appStart`)
export const fetchThings = createSagaAction(`${name}/fetchThings`)
const slice = createSlice({
extraReducers: {
[fetchThings.pending]: state => ({
loading: true,
[fetchThings.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => ({
result: payload,
loading: false,
[fetchThings.rejected]: (state, { error }) => ({
loading: false,
[appStart.fulfilled]: state => {
state.started = true // immer allows this
return state
export default slice.reducer
import { put, call } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { takeEveryAsync, putAsync } from 'saga-toolkit'
import API from 'hyper-super-api'
import * as actions from './slice'
function* appStart() {
const promise = yield put(fetchThings({ someArg: 'example' }))
try {
const fetchThingsActionFulfulled = yield promise // optionally we can wait for an action to finish and get its result
} catch(error) {
// we can handle error to avoid appStart to get rejected if we want
return result
// or using putAsync
function* appStart() {
try {
const payload = yield putAsync(fetchThings({ someArg: 'example' }))
} catch(error) {
// handle uncatched error from saga
return result
function* fetchThings({ meta }) {
const { someArg } = meta
const result = yield call(() => API.get('/things', { body: someArg }))
return result
export default [
takeEveryAsync(actions.appStart.type, appStart),
takeEveryAsync(actions.fetchThings.type, fetchThings),
// import things
const SomeComponent() {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
useEffect(() => {
const promise = dispatch(appStart()) // dispatch action from component
promise.then(...).catch(...) // optionally do something with promise
}, [])
return (
example2 - takeLatestAsync
With takeLatestAsync
the latter saga cancels the previous one in case that has not finished running. Action will be rejected with error message 'Saga cancelled'.
export default [
takeLatestAsync(actions.fetchThings.type, fetchThings),
example3 - takeAggregateAsync
With takeAggregateAsync
the underlying promise that is created by the first action dispatch will be used and shared accross all subsequent actions. Each subsequent action will be resolved / rejected with the result of the first action. In other words, one single saga runs at a time that is passed to this effect.
export default [
takeAggregateAsync(actions.fetchThings.type, fetchThings),