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Simple declarative bindings for Ant Design and Formik.

Results 49 formik-antd issues
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The upload component is quite important for some forms and maybe including this into the component list should be nice.

good first issue


Using any combination of the Select field from "formik-ant" results in a memory leak of some sorts. The select dropdown never opens and the app crashes. Using the SelectInput directly...

I use formik and formik-antd expected: formik.errors will contain field errors result: When I use useFormik formik.errors = {} This code work and formik.errors contain field errors `import React, {useEffect,...

It looks like the format string in DatePicker isn't respected when setting form values. I have a picker for a date-only field (passing YYYY-MM-DD into initial form values, and expecting...

I'd like to add children to customize my checkbox layout as in the "Use with Grid" section on Using Checkbox by itself with the same name doesn't work as...

I use 'formik-antd' and using this code with Form: ``` import { Formik } from 'formik' import { useField } from 'formik' import { Form, DatePicker as AntDatePicker } from...

### Description When updating Ant-Design from version `4.3.4` to `4.3.5` types are no longer matching --- ### Log ``` node_modules/formik-antd/lib/input/index.d.ts(9,103): error TS2749: 'Password' refers to a value, but is being...

Hi, my setup for forms is: * formik and formik-antd for the form creation * Yup for validation * react-i18next for localization This setup works quite well for labels, placeholders...

Hey guys, I'm experiencing some issues using Formik alongside Ant Design. I'm using `formik-antd` package to make that easier and I'm just stumbling on getting what I want from the...