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A Lisp implementation in Go


A simple Lisp interpreter developed in Go.

Go is a perfect fit for building a Lisp interpreter, since it's portable, garbage collected and fast. The result is a one file distribution, which makes it easy to deploy. The garbage collection unloads that work from the interpreter, using the Go already tuned GC.

Inspired by: [http://norvig.com/lispy.html]


Install Go


Make sure your GOPATH is setup correctly, something like

$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH

Clone the repo

$ go get github.com/janne/go-lisp

Run the tests

$ go test github.com/janne/go-lisp/lisp

Run the example

$ go-lisp -file $HOME/go/src/github.com/janne/go-lisp/example.lsp

Run it interactively

$ go-lisp -i


(quote exp)

Return the exp literally; do not evaluate it.

(quote (a b c))


(a b c)

(if test conseq alt)

Evaluate test; if true, evaluate and return conseq; otherwise evaluate and return alt.

(if (< 10 20) (+ 1 1) (+ 3 3))



(set! var exp)

Evaluate exp and assign that value to var, which must have been previously defined (with a define or as a parameter to an enclosing procedure).

(set! x2 (* x x))

(define var exp)

Define a new variable and give it the value of evaluating the expression exp.

(define r 3)
(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))

(lambda (var...) exp)

Create a procedure with parameter(s) named var... and the expression as the body.

(lambda (r) (* 3.141592653 (* r r)))

(begin exp...)

Evaluate each of the expressions in left-to-right order, and return the final value.

(begin (define x 1) (set! x (+ x 1)) (* x 2))



(proc exp...)

If proc is anything other than one of the symbols if, set!, define, lambda, begin, or quote then it is treated as a procedure. It is evaluated using the same rules defined here. All the expressions are evaluated as well, and then the procedure is called with the list of expressions as arguments.

(square 12)




Licensed under MIT license.