MikrotikDotNet copied to clipboard
cmd.ExecuteReader(<class>) returns only first key/value pair when mikrotik returns multiple "keys" in row
var cmd = conn.CreateCommand("ip firewall address-list print");
Result (Raw api response):
!re=.id=*CC997=list=list1=address= 02:26:04=dynamic=false=dynamic=false=disabled=false=comment=aaa
!re=.id=*CC998=list=list1=address=webaddress.com=creation-time=feb/13/2023 02:26:04=dynamic=false=dynamic=true=disabled=false=comment=bbb
we create class:
class AddressListItem
public string MKID { get; set; } //MKID always referce to .id field in response.
public string List { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string CreationTime { get; set; }
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
public bool @Dynamic { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
string[] allProps = this.GetType()
.Select(prop =>
object? val = prop.GetValue(this);
string sVal = (null == val) ? "NULL" : val!.ToString()!;
return $"{prop.Name}={sVal}";
return string.Join(", ", allProps);
And when we trying to ExecuteReader():
var result = cmd.ExecuteReader<AddressListItem>();
var f = result.Where(r => r.Dynamic == false);
foreach (var ip in f)
we found that each row got only first "dynamic" property from mikrotik responce.
may be we must to use class property attribure to specify which index we need?
something like:
public bool @Dynamic { get; set; }