FELix copied to clipboard
An open-source flash tool for Allwinner
FELix is a multiplatform tool for Allwinner processors handling FEL and FES protocol written in Ruby
- Uses libusb1.0 / ruby 2.0+
- More powerful than fel tool from sunxi-tools
- Write / read memory
- Execute the code at address
- Flash LiveSuit image (at this moment only newer image are supported)
- Extract single item from LiveSuit image
- Format the device NAND / Write new MBR
- Enable NAND
- Dump/flash single partition
- Display the device info
- Reboot the device
- Boot device using given u-boot
Install ruby 2.0+ (you can use ruby-installer on Windows)
$ sudo apt-get install ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev $ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/ruby2.0 /usr/bin/ruby $ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/gem2.0 /usr/bin/gem
Install bundler
$ gem install bundler
Install libraries (Linux only)
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev libffi-dev
Run bundler in application directory (You may need to edit Gemfile to match your ruby version)
$ bundle
Switch to FEL mode (
adb reboot efex
) and install a usb filter (Windows only) over the default USB driver. Use Zadig.
See (ruby) felix --help
for available commands
Dump/flash single partition
Boot to FES
$ felix --tofes <firmware.img>
Enable NAND
$ felix --nand on
Flash or dump partition
$ felix --write boot.img --item boot $ felix --read boot.img --item boot
Disable NAND
$ felix --nand off
Write new
(Warning: this may brick your device if you write incorrect file)-
Boot to FES
$ felix --tofes <firmware.img>
Write new boot0 using fes context and boot0 tag
$ felix --write boot0_nand.fex -c fes -t boot0 -a 0 (for boot1 use boot1 or uboot tag)
Optionally reboot device
$ felix --reboot
As I have limited access to Allwinner devices, I encourage you to report issues you encounter in Issues section. As far I tested the tool on A13, A23, A31, A31s and A83.
There's a lot of things to do. The most important are:
- [ ] Support for legacy image format (partially done)
- [x] Boot to FES
- [ ] Flash legacy image
- [x] Extract legacy image
- [x] Validation of files before flash
- [ ] Improve error handling (may be troublesome)
- [x] Separate command for reading/writing NAND partitions
- [x] Improve speed of libsparse / rc6 algorithm
- [ ] Partitioning support without sunxi_mbr
- [ ] Handle every available FEL/FES command
- [ ] Some kind of GUI