Results 46 comments of Jan Kaiser

Totally disagree with the premise of this request. It's like if you bought a fire alarm and then complained that it's not sounding when there is no fire. The point...

On a similar note, when I run `top` on my raspberry 4, python3 process responsible for is constantly the process taking most CPU resources - and I am running...

``` pi@raspberrypi:/opt $ sudo systemctl status pimoroni-fanshim ● pimoroni-fanshim.service - Fan Shim Service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pimoroni-fanshim.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-07-26 15:56:27 CEST; 14s ago...

I wouldn't be so harsh - there is probably one line of code where the load implications were not taken into consideration and once we find it, it will be...

> A quick/very experimental C++ code using the latest version of WiringPi This looks awesome. Would you mind creating a new repo for this, so we can improve further and...

Got a slightly better result by switching around the channels before applying mean and std, but still nowhere near PyTorch's output… ```python pixels = pixels[:, :, [0,2,1]] ```

I am using MiDaS v2.1 downloaded from PyTorch Hub.

+1 for having this issue resolved after 3 years... Images that work without any issue in ARKit are outright being refused by ARCore… What is the workaround when real world...

I am having the same issue. At some point, streaming just stopped working (without me changing anything). Snapshots still work fine. This is my debug log: ``` [11/16/2019, 11:00:07 PM]...

Still broken for me. Honestly have not spent much time trying to figure it out.