Janishar Ali
Janishar Ali
@PrasandP You can use `swipeView.getBuilder() .setSwipeType(SwipePlaceHolderView.SWIPE_TYPE_HORIZONTAL);` It will make card swipe able in left-right direction but it will not allow in arc curve.
@jjhesk You have two methods for that in 0.2.7 1. void refreshView(T resolver): This will refresh the child placeholderview. Pass the instance of the class containing child placeholderview. Call mainPlaceholderview.refreshView(obj)...
@jjhesk Please use this only ``` java mProfileList.getBuilder() .setHasFixedSize(false) .setItemViewCacheSize(5) .setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(mContext, 4, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false)); ``` In stead of ``` java mProfileList.getBuilder() .setHasFixedSize(false) .setItemViewCacheSize(5) .setLayoutManager(gridLayoutManager); ``` I checked that, providing...
@jjhesk I have created a demo project: This project has 4 child placeholderview in the main placeholderview the repository for the project: [NestedPlaceHolderView](https://github.com/janishar/Tutorials/tree/master/NestedPlaceHolderView) This project fetch google news and show...
@jjhesk No there is no particular reason to comment those lines. It was just that the news example required no animation as such. Do try the example by commenting them...
@jjhesk I think the framework should be generic and the control should be in the hands of the programmer. Above example is just one of the solutions for not repeating...
@jjhesk If you are using same xml layout for the sub placeholderviews then the main Placeholderview will try to reuse the same layout when rebinded. This feature is from recyclerview,...
@jjhesk Let me work a bit more on Nested Placeholderviews so the apis are more simpler. I am thankful that You have provided a lot of insights till now. I...
@jjhesk The suggestion is good. I am thinking about it. Will add in the new release. Thanks
@jmaire I would suggest that in this case use only Vertical Swipe for the cards using `mSwipView.getBuilder() .setSwipeType(SwipePlaceHolderView.SWIPE_TYPE_VERTICAL)` To work with touch event you will have to supply your own...