Janishar Ali
Janishar Ali
@anshusharma13 The Scroll View inside card is not yet supported
This feature is in the todo list currently
@2math Yes let me look into this.
@patilprajakta Currently only last card swipe can be reverted. The entire history undo is under development.
@jjhesk Are you making the AppBar to hide with scrolling? Can you share the code for me to understand it better.
Use SwipeDirectionalView: refer doc -> https://janishar.com/PlaceHolderView/docs/sdv-intro.html
@AndreyTurcevich can you post the stack trace?
@TusharSri I am looking into this... are you using SwipePlaceHolderView or SwipeDirectionalView
@orikl84 Thanks for finding this. I will fix this in the new release.
@RadoVidjenGost You can have left-right horizontal swipe but not only left.