vscode-edit-csv copied to clipboard
Unable to use vscode default shortcut to switch between editors
First of all, thanks for this extension! I notice an issue with the navigation between editors if the current one is edit-csv.
Since Cmd+Opt+Left and Cmd+Opt+Right are used to select from the current position to the beginning and end of the current row I cannot switch among editors using those shortcuts if the current editor is edit-csv.
It seems that the shortcut for the row selection in this extension is not configurable and I would rather prefer to change the shortcut of changing the editor.
If the shortcut itself is not configurable in handsontable maybe it could be disabled by a configuration. Would that make sense?
The whole shortcut thing is a bit tricky. I have no idea what and how many handsontable assigns by default (probably also depending on the OS). I'm also not sure if anyone actually uses the shortcut to edit the table... disabling it for handsontable in the config might be a good idea.
I'll look into this and try to come up with something that works well for mac/win/linux shortcuts.
I tried some stuff but nothing worked... Think this cannot be fixed atm, I opened an issue here https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/101750
Thanks for trying and escalating it
Same for ctrl+tab (just for documentation 😄)