Janette Day
Janette Day
@ugintl add DKAN to your site with ``` composer require 'getdkan/dkan' composer update ``` This will add DKAN to your project and install all dependencies.
@nmichalakis did you make the changes to your composer.json file listed in the [release notes](https://github.com/GetDKAN/dkan/releases/tag/2.10.0)?
@kkounouni here is some info on customizing the license options https://dkan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/license.html
``` Unable to patch entity with [error] entity-multivalue-token-replacement-fix-2341611-0.patch Unable to patch entity with [error] Use-array-in-foreach-statement-2564119-1.patch ```
@200496110 We are still working on better documentation but to start you can find general info on the README here: https://github.com/GetDKAN/dkan/tree/2.x/modules/dkan_js_frontend **Some important endpoints:** Search: https://demo.getdkan.org/api/1/search Dataset: https://demo.getdkan.org/api/1/metadata/schemas/dataset/item/{dataset-uuid} **Query docs**...
@Roiergarcia ¿Ya existen los conjuntos de datos de muestra? ¿Qué pasa si ejecutas: ``` drush dkan:sample-content:remove ```
work was moved to #3914 and merged
OR Keep the file management outside the dataset creation process, only use the URL field on the metadata form. Similar to the Viewer module, you create the distribution separately first,...
@sych74 do you want to test out this documentation https://github.com/GetDKAN/dkan-tools/tree/184-readme-updates What is the production environment you want to deploy to? an in-house server or common provider?
@tiffneybare one more definition update for **generateFormatDescription** ``` $description = "The format of the data in this field. Supported formats depend on the specified field type:"; ```