AdRootViewController copied to clipboard
RootViewController replacement for Cocos2d that supports iAds and AdMob.
RootViewController replacement for Cocos2d that supports iAds and AdMob.
- Two Positions to set the Ads (Top, or Bottom)
- Autorotation support, using CCDirector or UIViewController
- Universal support (iPhone + iPad)
- Interstitial ads (AdMob Only)
- Easy to use
Replace the RootViewController in the Cocos2d project with the AdRootViewController.
Define your AdMob publisher Id
#define ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID @"your_publisher_id"
To add the ad to the controller's view call:
[viewController addBannerAd];
To remove the ad call:
[viewController removeBannerAd];
Interstitial Ads are shown calling:
[viewController addInterstitialAd];
You can set the position of the ad at the Top or Bottom of the Screen, just call:
[viewController setAdBannerPosition:kAdBannerPositionBottom]
[viewController setAdBannerPosition:kAdBannerPositionTop]
Hope it helps, suggestions and corrections are always welcome.