
Results 21 comments of janafsal

@Hubertformin could you please publish the latest code to npm....

We need to edit pos-printer.ts and compile again (or) edit pos-printer.js in dist directly. Add webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, } in line no.91 (new BrowserWindow)

> is there's an update ? https://github.com/Hubertformin/electron-pos-printer/issues/60#issuecomment-1068271541

> We need to edit pos-printer.ts and compile again (or) edit pos-printer.js in dist directly. Add webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, } in line no.91 (new BrowserWindow) > how...

go to node modules in your project =>electron-pos-printer=>dist(folder) => need to edit pos-printer.ts and compile again (or) edit pos-printer.js directly.in line no.91 (new BrowserWindow) Add webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation:...

[We need to edit pos-printer.ts and compile again (or) edit pos-printer.js in dist directly. Add webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: false, }](https://github.com/Hubertformin/electron-pos-printer/issues/60#issuecomment-1068271541)

Now its works for me but i am afraid it will have any issues in future if remote module removed from npm https://github.com/Hubertformin/electron-pos-printer/issues/60#issuecomment-1068271541

> Hello @janafsal, @MahmoudMm and @buibr, Please excuse my late replies. You don't need to edit and recompile anymore, I have updated the package. > It is compatible with the...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63154412/198306780-6441164f-6b11-4183-9a6d-afdea1ba9945.png) after update it don't prints, please see the above screenshot of preview window, could you please check?...thanking you in advance

```js const { PosPrinter } = require("electron-pos-printer"); printerName="Microsoft Print to PDFline 361" data = [ { type: "text", // 'text' | 'barCode' | 'qrCode' | 'image' | 'table value: "||---",...