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A very simple objective-c framework that maps a JSON response from NSDictionary or NSArray to an NSObject subclass for iOS.

Results 9 JTObjectMapping issues
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Hi, I came across this issue, when fetching data from a REST service a value that should be conformed as string value is being delivered without the quotes when the...

If the local project declare a variable like "@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger endDt;",,the App will be crashed while server return a json like "{ "endDt": null}". I've been did some...

update the demo project and set the NSObject+JTObjectMapping.h to support for OSX and iOS

If you want to create a NSManagedObject subclass you'll get an error 'coredata: error: failed to call designated initializer on nsmanagedobject' I've added a function for mapping to NSManagedObject subclasses,...

I'm using this on a `NSManagedObject` subclass. It's trying to take an array of objects and set them on my object, but the property is an `NSSet`. This results in...

![image](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1661469/707576/2bfbe7de-de22-11e2-94c5-d761e88c9513.png) How can I map FieldTemplate and ChildFieldTemplates? I've tried this but fieldTemplate won't map: NSDictionary *mapping = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [SheetTemplate mappingWithKey:@"" mapping:sheetTemplateMapping], @"", [SectionTemplate mappingWithKey:@"SectionTemplates" mapping:sectionTemplateMapping], @"SectionTemplates", [FieldTemplate mappingWithKey:@"fieldTemplates"...

Can the framework marshal from object back to JSON? If not, how about adding this feature? I think it would be fairly simple to add. Interested in a pull request?

I have JSON like this "login_success" : "Yes", "isAdult": "N", ... and I want to mapping the result to below property property BOOL bSuccess; property BOOL isAudlt; currently, the result...

from the docs it's not clear whether you can only map keys or also key paths