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Incorporate local timezone in jam recorder folder

Open victorypoint opened this issue 4 years ago • 28 comments

In an effort to have Jamulus log entries match up with associated jam recorder folder names (without having to manually calculate UTC offsets), it is proposed that the jam recorder folder names incorporate local timezone rather than UTC timezone. The current recording functionality uses UTC date/time only - currentDateTimeUtc(). This would involve revising jamrecorder.cpp to use local timezone date/time - currentDateTime().

To illustrate the problem, current jam recorder folder names are based on UTC time, whereas the associated log entry that initiates the recording is logged using local time. For example:

"Folder Jam-20200423-185758274" - corresponds to log entry - "23.4.2020, 11:57:58,, connected"

An alternative solution, as proposed by corrados, is to give users the choice of using either local or UTC timezone in the recorder folder name by using server command-line parameters as per the following comments:


"Could we somehow encode that information in the given string? E.g. ./Jamulus -s -R [ltz]/home/test/jamulusrecordings So that we parse the directory name for a given "[ltz]" at the beginning. Not the nicest solution but would work.


We already have command line arguments with combined informations. For consistency to these, we should use this format instead: ./Jamulus -s -R "localtimezone;/home/test/jamulusrecordings" I.e. we use a ";" as a separator."

Also, having both the jam recorder folder and corresponding log file entry presented in standard ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) would also be helpful to match the two up.

Original post and discussion with detailed example - sourceforge post, have the recorder folder name reflect the current date/time of the local timezone.

victorypoint avatar Aug 06 '20 22:08 victorypoint

This can be achieved by renaming the folder and files.

I don't see a need to change how it's currently done. Clients can be from anywhere - they're more likely to know their own offset from UTC than the timezone of the server, so finding a recording by UTC timestamp is clearly easier.

pljones avatar Aug 07 '20 16:08 pljones

The reported issue was that the date of the log file and the recorder directories are not in sync. So if it is not a big deal, I think it would be good to be consistent within the Jamulus server.

corrados avatar Aug 07 '20 16:08 corrados

I'd prefer everything in UTC, really. I don't like timezones at all.

pljones avatar Aug 07 '20 16:08 pljones

Right, the issue is that the Jamulus log entries don't sync with the jam recorder folder name as I described in my sourceforge post. So, for example -

"Folder Jam-20200423-185758274" - corresponds to log entry - "23.4.2020, 11:57:58,, connected".

My only other concern is that the two don't display in standard ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) which would be nice - but that's a separate issue.

This 'jam-folder/log-entry' sync would be helpful for jam scheduling and management. As a sys admin, local timezone support is expected, especially for logs, filenames, folders, etc for debugging and basic file management. Windows requires a timezone, Linux is easily set; in my case, 'timedatectl set-timezone America/Vancouver'; Docker uses timezones for its virtual logs, etc; in my case, 'environment: TZ: America/Vancouver'. Providing current timezone for jam recording just seems like a natural feature to support.

Peter, although I appreciate your opinion, for me, local timezones are a pain to convert from UTC, especially in the American zones. Renaming jam folders afterwards is not that efficient. How about a compromise? Perhaps a new Jamulus command-line argument such as --timezone, -tz? On to use the current timezone, off to use UTC.

victorypoint avatar Aug 07 '20 19:08 victorypoint

Let's keep the number of command line arguments small. We have one for the recorder directory. Could we somehow encode that information in the given string? E.g. ./Jamulus -s -R [ltz]/home/test/jamulusrecordings So that we parse the directory name for a given "[ltz]" at the beginning. Not the nicest solution but would work.

corrados avatar Aug 07 '20 20:08 corrados

Sound like it would work fine. Can you give an example of how a recording folder would be named?

victorypoint avatar Aug 07 '20 22:08 victorypoint

Just a quick note: We already have command line arguments with combined informations. For consistency to these, we should use this format instead: ./Jamulus -s -R "localtimezone;/home/test/jamulusrecordings" I.e. we use a ";" as a separator.

corrados avatar Aug 08 '20 07:08 corrados

@pljones Are you intend to implement this?

corrados avatar Jan 03 '21 11:01 corrados

https://github.com/corrados/jamulus/issues/497#issuecomment-670610549 No.

pljones avatar Jan 06 '21 10:01 pljones

All I'm asking is to have the Jamulus log entries match up with the associated jam recorder folder name without having to manually calculate UTC offsets. Is that an unreasonable request? Also, having the two in standard ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) would also be helpful.

Currently, for example: "Folder Jam-20200423-185758274" - corresponds to log entry - "23.4.2020, 11:57:58,, connected"

victorypoint avatar Jan 06 '21 18:01 victorypoint

Is that an unreasonable request?

No, it isn't :-). I just wanted to check if we have a volunteer for the implementation.

corrados avatar Jan 06 '21 18:01 corrados

While I understand that in public server you might have clients from any timezone (although I suspect for most of them UTC is as exotic as the other 36 they do not know :) ), I support this request for the private server case, where most likely all the people is in the same timezone. In my own server, I recompiled with currentDateTime() instead of currentDateTimeUtc().

vdellamea avatar Jan 31 '21 07:01 vdellamea

Hi - in an effort to make the Issues a list of actionable specs for work tickets going forward, @victorypoint can you please update your request based on the discussion above so that anyone who wants to pick up the work can do so easily? Otherwise, if it needs more discussion we can move this.

gilgongo avatar Feb 19 '21 12:02 gilgongo

Sure thing. In an effort to have Jamulus log entries match up with associated jam recorder folder names (without having to manually calculate UTC offsets), I propose that jam recorder folder names incorporate local timezone rather than UTC timezone. The current recording functionality uses UTC date/time only - currentDateTimeUtc(). I propose revising jamrecorder.cpp to use local timezone date/time - currentDateTime().

To illustrate the current problem, jam recorder folder names are based on UTC time, whereas the associated log entry that initiates the recording is logged using local time. For example:

"Folder Jam-20200423-185758274" - corresponds to log entry - "23.4.2020, 11:57:58,, connected"

If this proposal is not agreeable, corrados has proposed an alternate solution using parameters as follows (see comments above):

"Could we somehow encode that information in the given string? E.g. ./Jamulus -s -R [ltz]/home/test/jamulusrecordings So that we parse the directory name for a given "[ltz]" at the beginning. Not the nicest solution but would work.

We already have command line arguments with combined informations. For consistency to these, we should use this format instead: ./Jamulus -s -R "localtimezone;/home/test/jamulusrecordings" I.e. we use a ";" as a separator."

Also, having both the jam recorder folder and corresponding log file entry presented in standard ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) would also be helpful to match the two up.

victorypoint avatar Feb 20 '21 02:02 victorypoint

I propose revising jamrecorder.cpp to use local timezone date/time - currentDateTime().

regarding this part, if acceptable it can be very easily implemented, I can do a pull request it but I suppose @victorypoint can do it too.

vdellamea avatar Feb 20 '21 05:02 vdellamea

Considering the recording file can be copied and shared, it would be good if the time is clearly labeled UTC. Local time could be added. However, one of the delights of Jamulus is jamming with new and old friends outside my timezone. (For instance, the last few of my chorus rehearsals had visitors from two other timezones.) If I have a folder with a collection of recordings, it would be good to know the time (and I regularly visit three other timezones). If you really want local time, at least the server name should be part of the file name. (better yet server name + city)

gene96817 avatar Feb 20 '21 18:02 gene96817

Good point. Considering all the excellent feedback on this issue, it's probably best to not enforce local timezone use in the recording folder name, but rather give users the option of naming the recording folder by UTC or local timezone via the command line as corrados proposes:

We already have command line arguments with combined informations. For consistency to these, we should use this format instead: ./Jamulus -s -R "localtimezone;/home/test/jamulusrecordings" I.e. we use a ";" as a separator."

I feel it's also important to implement standard ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) in both recording folder names and log file.

Does this sound agreeable?

victorypoint avatar Feb 20 '21 22:02 victorypoint

@victorypoint Just checking: is your original ticket now up to date such that it reflects what needs to be done? Not sure if additional/changed things are still scattered through the comments or not.

gilgongo avatar Feb 21 '21 10:02 gilgongo

I would say yes. Just trying to get consensus on how to proceed.

victorypoint avatar Feb 21 '21 17:02 victorypoint

@gilgongo I am still learning the github and our repository. Where is the ticket?

gene96817 avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 gene96817

Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about this ticket/thread. I'm in the same boat as you, not knowing github and haven't posted a ticket there.

victorypoint avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 victorypoint

and haven't posted a ticket there

I think you know more than me. where is "there"?

gene96817 avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 gene96817

@gene96817 Apologies, by "ticket" I meant this issue.

gilgongo avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 gilgongo

@gene96817 @victorypoint Yes, it's something we've just recently being trying to sort out. Anything that needs to be substantially discussed before agreeing on an actionable specification for the work needs to be in Discussions, otherwise it makes it very hard to work out what the Issue is really about if people are busy modifying it in the comments. Does that make sense? Think of the GitHub Issue as a bit like a Wikipedia page, perhaps.

All this will I hope become a bit clearer once we write it all up better in the contributing section of the site.

gilgongo avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 gilgongo

I believe we have a consensus and it would be helpful (and good housekeeping) to summarize the consensus into a ticket.

gene96817 avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 gene96817

Definitely agree. My previous post I feel sums up the state of this issue - some folks like the idea of using local timezone in the recorder folder name, some folks don't, and some folks like to have the choice of enabling or not.


victorypoint avatar Feb 21 '21 19:02 victorypoint

@victorypoint Yes - although ideally if you could edit your original so that people don't need to scroll down to find what was eventually decided. I have in fact put a link in there to it but a proper edit would be best.

gilgongo avatar Feb 21 '21 20:02 gilgongo

Done! Let me know if any revisions are required.

victorypoint avatar Feb 21 '21 20:02 victorypoint