ib-edavki copied to clipboard
Doh-KDVP.xml created (includes no trades) - "-y 2019"
Uporabil sem isti Flex query kot za 2020, a sem dal custom range za 2019 obdobje in dobil ustrezen XML od IB. ib-edavki sem pognal s parametrom "-y 2019", a ni notri (v Doh-KDVP.xml) nič podatkov iz 2019.
Tole dobim na izhodu: Doh-KDVP.xml created (includes no trades) D-IFI.xml created (includes no trades) Doh-Div.xml created Doh-Obr.xml created
Ali so bile delnice, ki so bile prodane v 2019, kupjene v katerem izmed let pred tem, torej da nakupi teh vrednostnih paprijev v IB XML reportu za 2019 manjkajo? Vidim, da je v tem primeru zgeneriran KDVP prazen in brez obvestila o majkajočih podatkih.
Ne. Ves promet je bil samo v jeseni.
Bi bilo možno dobiti (anonimiziran) flex report ali del njega (lahko na mail), da poskusim reproducirati. Na svojih podatkih ne uspem. Ali pa če lahko poskusi še kdo drug, mogoče @jamsix ? :)
Na mojih podatkih deluje:
$ python ib_edavki.py IB-2019.xml -y 2019
Doh-KDVP.xml created (includes trades from years 2019)
D-IFI.xml created (includes trades from years 2019)
Doh-Div.xml created
Doh-Obr.xml created
Tudi če bi se se pozicije, ki bi jih zapiral v 2019 odprle v letih prej, bi izdelani XML dokumenti še vedno vsebovali vsaj prodaje (ne pa tudi nakupov). Najbrž bomo res potrebovali anonimiziran flex report, da vidimo v čem je problem.
Sem poslal, a ni bilo odziva.
@tomazb, če si poslal meni, nisem dobil. Lahko še enkrat prosim in bom pogledal, ko utegnem?
Not sure if it's the reason but the IBKR Flex queries from 2020/21 and now differ. That's why I removed the old ones, created new according to README and it works.
I don’t see an option to export trades for former IBUK accounts anymore, so basically anything before 2021 is gone for me but good thing I keep those XML from prior years.
Either way it would be useful to see the full command used to execute the ib-edavki
which produces no output.
I don’t see an option to export trades for former IBUK accounts anymore, so basically anything before 2021 is gone for me but good thing I keep those XML from prior years.
It's there, just the UI is horrible. Click at the account number, then on the filter icon, then select both options and you'll see your old account that you'll be able to select as well as the new one.
@tomazb poskusi z rešitvijo @nikegp , če ne bo delovalo, sporoči.